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Our work

We work with impact-driven start-ups and innovative organisations who want their products and services to be accessible to all.

We work with organisations globally, and in the UK.

Here are some highlights from our recent work.

A dark skinned wheelchair user with long hair and a beanie sits at a small table, using their laptop to participate in a video meeting. The laptop screen is shown to their right, with the call being live captioned. The main speaker is a dark skinned person wearing a hijab and glasses, and 3 other participants are at the bottom of the screen, in smaller windows. In the bottom right corner, a yellow service dog bounds towards the wheelchair user.
Training businesses in inclusive and human-centred design

Training businesses in inclusive and human-centred design

We facilitated training for small businesses and ventures participating in the 'No Wrong Door Open Innovation Challenge' on inclusive design.
Co-designing hospital feedback processes

Co-designing hospital feedback processes

For Imperial College NHS, we are facilitating a co-design process to improve learning from patients' feedback.
Embedding accessibility for a health monitoring app

Embedding accessibility for a health monitoring app

We are working with a health-tech app that is expanding worldwide, to embed global accessibility standards into their development processes.
Developing an inclusive mental health campaign

Developing an inclusive mental health campaign

We've worked with staff and people affected by mental health in London to develop an inclusive campaign.
Co-designing community health funds

Co-designing community health funds

For the NHS, we worked with seven Local Authorities and residents to co-design a new community health fund.
Improving the accessibility of sports, fitness and physical activity

Improving the accessibility of sports, fitness and physical activity

Our latest partnership research was launched at the UK House of Lords in July 2024, exploring the accessibility of sport…
Training disability tech start-ups in inclusive design

Training disability tech start-ups in inclusive design

For Remarkable, a global accelerator for disability tech start-ups, we developed a learning programme on inclusive and accessible design.
Soda's work featured in a Department of Health and Social Care policy paper

Soda's work featured in a Department of Health and Social Care policy paper

Soda's work with the NHS to co-design health projects in the UK has been featured in a DHSC adult social…
Transforming NHS digital and in-person Long Term Condition Services

Transforming NHS digital and in-person Long Term Condition Services

We worked with patients, clinical, and non-clinical teams to co-design accessible innovations to their service.