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Are you disabled, neurodiverse or chronically ill?

Join Soda’s community of lived experience experts and work with us to transform the way products and services are designed.
A dark skinned wheelchair user with long hair and a beanie sits at a small table, using their laptop to participate in a video meeting. The laptop screen is shown to their right, with the call being live captioned. The main speaker is a dark skinned person wearing a hijab and glasses, and 3 other participants are at the bottom of the screen, in smaller windows. In the bottom right corner, a yellow service dog bounds towards the wheelchair user. with a person wearing a hijab on the screen and a cute dog underneath the table

What are we doing?

We’re on a mission to create more empowering ways for people with lived experience of chronic illness, neurodivergence and disability to have your voices heard on accessibility and inclusion.

We are a growing community and we are demanding change. We want to connect you with organisations so you can share your views. AND we ensure you get paid for sharing your experience.

What's in it for you?

Be the first to hear about flexible, paid opportunities

You could help transform the NHS through service design, change the way a public space is set up, or test an app for accessibility.

Contribute to Soda as we grow

Our team is founded by people with lived experience of disability, chronic illness and neurodivergence and co-designing the long term vision of Soda with others is a core value of ours.

Help shape our agenda for change

We're not just going to wait for organisations and brands to come to us. We're going to go to them. Demanding change with your views at the centre.